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Trying to decide on solar?

Are you sitting on the fence about solar? Not sure if it's right for you or what the process involves? Here's a summary of how we do things at Innovate Energy to support you in achieving the benefits of solar power.

  1. Site Visit - we conduct a detailed site inspection on every design. This is essential to obtain accurate information on your home to ensure the installation of your solar system can be completed to the highest quality.
  2. Savings Calculation - our technician will calculate your estimated savings based on your proposed system.
  3. Proposal and Design - You will be provided with a preliminary design of your system during the home assessment.
  4. Technical Review - Once your project kicks off our design team complete a final system review and approval.
  5. Installation Agreement - You will be provided with an installation agreement so that you are fully informed of every step.
  6. Pre-approvals - We liaise with your local distributor and, in some cases, your energy retailer for pre-approvals and metering applications (dependant on the energy retailer)
  7. Scheduling - Once all the approvals have been obtained, we order the materials and provide a date for installation.
  8. Installation - Our team will turn up on time and install your system. Once complete, they'll show you how it all works.
  9. Post Completion Paperwork - We then lodge the paperwork and update the energy provider on your behalf.

But what if I'm at work all day, is it worth it?

Yes! With the price of solar systems decreasing and the increase in money the energy companies will pay you for what you don't use, now is the time to invest in your energy future. There are two main ways that a professional solar system can save you money:

  • what you use - for example, this could mean that you're powering your washing machine using the power being generated by your solar panels in real-time
  • what you sell to the grid - whatever you do not use from your solar panels will automatically be fed into the national grid. Your energy company will pay you for this electricity.

This means that your solar installation can not only cover your electricity bills, but can actually put money into your pocket!

Do I need a solar battery?

As part of our free site assessment, our team will determine whether this is the best option for you. The main reasons you would install a battery include:

  • using your own solar-generated electricity to power your home at night
  • if there is a power outage you will still have lights and TV
  • reduced dependence on fossil fuels

Even if you don't install a battery now, we make sure your system is future-proof, which means you can add a battery when you are ready.

Innovate Energy service areas ...

Innovate Energy is a well-established South Coast company providing solar solutions to customers in:

... and all surrounding areas.